Hi! I'm Josh Mallard. I like to make things.
Web development and strategy, hosting and caretaking, & custom integrations. We seek to do good work for good people. Visit LimeCuda
Nerd Pops
Vintage style, brand t-shirts from pop culture. If you've ever found yourself in need of an Elect Mayor Goldie Wilson or an OH-KAY Plumbing & Heating T-Shirt - Nerd Pops is your place. Visit Nerd Pops
Sometimes, I write things.
2016 – That Year I Almost Worked Myself to Death
I didn’t talk or write about it much when it happened, but 2016 was the year I almost worked myself to death. Toward the end of March this past year, I woke up one morning in severe pain and constant vomiting. I decided to muscle through it and sat down at my desk to work like […]
Custom Dynamic Content without a Page Builder
There are some really cool page builder plugins on the market. At LimeCuda we’re looking into expanding the way we offer some of our services. For this, one of the key tools we’re looking into is the Beaver Builder plugin. We’re looking that direction so we can more quickly create dynamic front-end layouts as well as […]
Author Total Post Counts across WordPress Multisite
On a recent multisite project, I needed to grab all the authors from across the network and display them in order based on their post counts. Traditionally, when using WP_User_Query there is an orderby argument that can be used to sort the users by their post count. However, we were pulling the users on the main […]