I’ve expressed many times over the last couple of years the feeling of embarrassment and disgust that I commonly have when looking at my old code. About a year ago, I started working on a project with LimeCuda that had me excited, scared, hopeful and a bit overwhelmed all at once. Prior to starting this project […]
I’m a Serial Wantrepreneur & I’m Cool With That
This post has been a draft with just a title in my dashboard for a while. I’m even typing this sentence weeks after writing the first. I’m not so sure why it was so difficult for me to admit that I’m a wantrepreneur, at the end of the day it isn’t necessarily a bad thing. […]
My Resolution to NOT Blog Everyday in 2014
Over the last couple of days, I’ve seen many people share their resolution to blog everyday this year. I personally think this is awesome! And why not? There are dozens of success stories from people committing to this challenge and seeing amazing results. Additionally, some of the most respected people within the WordPress community have […]
Changing Perspectives while Getting Older
I always wanted to be a rockstar. I played drums for hours on end dreaming of life on the road and playing for thousands of screaming fans. Although I still dream of being a rockstar, drumming is not what I imagine (although I still love playing drums!). I want to be a rockstar husband and […]
Selling Yourself Short – Don’t Undervalue Your Work
I work for a web development company called LimeCuda and one of our most profitable strategies has been teaming with branding, marketing and design firms and becoming the technical arm for their businesses. In our latest collaboration, we have been helping a design firm complete a project for one of their clients using quoted amounts provided […]
A Lesson in Branding – Wrestling Style
Being a web developer, I am regularly a spectator in conversations about branding. During these conversations I always get the temptation to compare some of the ideas I’m hearing to famous wrestlers. Well here’s my white trash, redneck chance!
The Transition to Full-Time WordPress Development
There seems to be unlimited possibilities for developers, designers, and entrepreneurs within the WordPress world. Everyday there are new businesses being started, dreamers submitting their first themes on Themeforest, and children across the world typing their first “the_title();”. However, the majority of those building websites with WordPress are part-time developers and full-time employees dreaming for their […]