Today was an exciting launch for the new Pressgram App. I have to admit, when I heard about the concept at WordCamp Atlanta this year, I didn’t quite get the hype. But, after using it today, I can clearly see the benefit and am excited to see how we’ll be integrating it into our own […]
Exodus: A Front-End Framework to Compliment the Power of Genesis 2.0
StudioPress recently released Genesis 2.0 and I have officially jumped on the bandwagon. My love for what I’ve seen so far has felt so cult-like that I can truly imagine myself sipping a glass of Kool-Aid in a tropical, South American commune. At LimeCuda, we’ve been working on ways to standardize our development […]
Changing Perspectives while Getting Older
I always wanted to be a rockstar. I played drums for hours on end dreaming of life on the road and playing for thousands of screaming fans. Although I still dream of being a rockstar, drumming is not what I imagine (although I still love playing drums!). I want to be a rockstar husband and […]
Soundtrack to the Work Revolution
For me, music is essential to creating a good work environment. I’ve recently found a band that puts me into a complete work trance. It’s crazy productive music. Meet nerve
Bad Design is Bad Customer Service
Is there anything worse than apartment internet (#firstworldproblem)? As a resident, I can’t help but wonder that the apartment complex chooses it’s providers based on which company gives the largest kickback. We’ve lived in our apartment for almost 8 months. During that time, we have: spent 5 hours on the phone with support waited 18 […]
My First WordPress Plugin: Avatar Grid Widget
I’ve finally released my first plugin into the WordPress repository, the Author Avatar Grid Widget! It creates a grid of Gravatars for users on your WordPress site based on criteria defined within the widget settings. It isn’t anything special. It isn’t groundbreaking. But it did meet a need I had so maybe someone else will […]
Oh No!
OH Crap! I missed a day posting on my blog yesterday! But there was good reason 🙂 Check out the post I wrote for WP Daily
Recent Thoughts
In trying to grow and develop the way we do business, here are some thoughts from recent discussions and activities…
Selling Yourself Short – Don’t Undervalue Your Work
I work for a web development company called LimeCuda and one of our most profitable strategies has been teaming with branding, marketing and design firms and becoming the technical arm for their businesses. In our latest collaboration, we have been helping a design firm complete a project for one of their clients using quoted amounts provided […]
Get Available WordPress User Roles as Checkboxes
WordPress provides a great function which allows you to generate options for a select box out of all available, editable user roles for your site – wp_dropdown_roles. However, many times it is necessary to have the available roles generated as checkboxes so we can select multiple roles rather than just a single role.